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                                                                         Issue: 728   Date: 08/05/2004

Committee of 100 Salutes General John L. Fugh and Dr. Betty Lee Sung
Recipients of the Chinese American Pioneer Award
by the Organization of Chinese Americans
獲得美華協會的 "美國華裔先鋒" 獎

New York, NY (July 19, 2004) - The Committee of 100 salutes two of its most distinguished members, General John L. Fugh and Dr. Betty Lee Sung. Both were awarded the Chinese American Pioneer Award at the Organization of Chinese Americans' (OCA) Annual National Convention Gala Awards Reception on Saturday, July 17th at Boston Marriott Copley Place.

In recognition of Chinese Americans who deserve accolades for their contributions to the nation, CA awards the Pioneer Award to honorees to highlight their achievement with the hopes that their fame serves as an inspiration for others. Past honorees have included architect I.M. Pei, author Jade Snow Wong, playwright David Henry Hwang, and Nobel Prize physicist C.N. Yang. For more information on OCA, please go to

"Members of our organization are all leaders in their fields," said S. Alice Mong,
executive director of the Committee of 100. "Both General Fugh and Dr. Betty Lee Sung have made considerable accomplishments and contributions in their work. Receiving this award perfectly illustrates their achievements." "I am delighted to have two of our most prominent members be recipients of the Pioneer Award," said Bob Lee, Chairman of the Committee of 100. ?General John L. Fugh and Dr. Betty Lee Sung are quite worthy of this award and we are grateful for the recognition from such a fine organization as OCA."

General L. John Fugh, once The Judge Advocate General, was the first Chinese
American to attain general officer status in the U.S. Army. As vice chairman for the Washington, DC area for the Committee of 100, he has taken a leadership role in promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life. "I feel greatly honored to receive this award," said General Fugh. "I have observed OCA over the years and admired their dedication in enhancing the image of Chinese Americans and Asian Americans."

Dr. Betty Lee Sung is considered a leading authority on Chinese Americans in the United States. She is a professor of Asian American Studies at the City College of New York and a prolific author. Her first book, Mountain of Gold, has become a classic in Asian American Studies. Since then she has written seven other books on Chinese Americans. "It is quite a privilege to be receiving this award from such a significant organization. I have been a member of OCA since its founding because I firmly believe in the work they do."?

Founded in 1989 by prominent Chinese Americans, the Committee of 100 is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit membership organization composed of Chinese American leaders in a broad range of professions. With their knowledge and experience, they have committed to a dual mission:?(1) encouraging stronger relations between the U.S. and Greater China and (2) encouraging the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life. For more information, please visit our web site:

在波士頓 Marriott Copley酒店獲得美華協會的"美國華裔先鋒獎"。

為表彰美國華裔對美國的重大貢獻, 美華協會設立了"美國華裔先鋒獎", 希望
獲獎人的成就能啟發成上萬的後來人。著名建築師貝聿銘、作家黃玉雪、劇作家黃哲明和諾貝爾物理獎獲得者楊振寧都已先後獲得該獎, 欲知詳情請查詢美華協會的網站

百人會執行總監孟淑娟說: "我們的會員在各個領域都獨樹一幟, 傅履仁將軍和李瑞芳博士兩位都作出了重要貢獻, 他們這次獲獎是順理成章的事。"百人會會長李錫輝說: "我對百人會兩位會員獲獎表示高興, 傅履仁將軍和李瑞芳博士的成就非常值得表彰, 他們的功勞得到美華協會這樣有聲望的機構的認可,我對此向美華協會表示感激。"

華盛頓的百人會副會長傅履仁將軍曾擔任美國法務總監, 是美國軍隊中第一位被
授將軍軍銜的華裔, 他為推動華裔參與美國社會起了積極的作用。傅履仁將軍
說: " 我對獲獎感到很榮幸, 多年來我一直關注美華協會, 對該組織竭盡全力地
提高美國亞裔和華裔的形象表示欣佩" 。

李瑞芳博士是公認的美國華裔問題的權威學者, 她在紐約市立大學任教, 她還是一位多產的作家, 她的處女作《金山》已成為美國亞裔研究必讀之物, 之後她又撰寫了七部有關美國華裔的書。李瑞芳博士說: "如此有影響的組織為我頒獎, 對我來說是莫大的榮譽, 從美華協會成立的第一天起, 我就成為其會員, 因為我對該組織的工作堅信不移" 。


百人會是美國個一獨立的、無党派、非營利的會員制度,創立於1989年,它由一批在各自的領域做出杰出貢獻的美籍華人組成。百人會聚集了他們的优勢和經驗, 共同探討和解決涉及美籍華人和美中關系的各种議題。欲詢詳情, 請查詢百人會網站

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