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                                                                         Issue: 726   Date: 07/22/2004

Senators Carnahan and Eagleton Announce
Kerry-Edwards Leadership Team for Missouri
Carnahan, Eagleton and Gephardt to Co-Chair Team in Missouri

St. Louis, MO - Former Missouri Senators Jean Carnahan and Thomas Eagleton today announced the Kerry-Edwards Leadership Team for the state of Missouri, of which they join Congressman Dick Gephardt to serve as Co-Chairs.  The two Senators gathered with supporters to rally the Kerry-Edwards ticket.

"I proudly served with both John Kerry and John Edwards," said former Senator Jean Carnahan. "As Co-Chair of the Kerry-Edwards Leadership Team here in Missouri, I can ensure that we will be working hard, day in and day out over the next four months to get our message out, and declare victory in November. John Kerry and John Edwards have formed a ticket we'll be proud to bring to areas all across this state, from Joplin to Hannibal, Kansas City and St. Louis. They are installing a sense of hope, and together they offer a new vision of leadership in this country."

"I am honored to stand here today as a Co-Chair of the Kerry, Edwards Leadership Team in Missouri," said former Senator Eagleton. "John Kerry and John Edwards share the same values and vision that we do here in Missouri, and they're the values that built our country. They want to solve the problems facing America's families and introduce America to their optimistic vision for the future. We're going to get out and fight for those values to restore leadership in the White House."

"I am thrilled John Kerry has selected John Edwards as his running mate," said Congressman Dick Gephardt. "The Kerry-Edwards ticket is an exciting team with a positive vision to move America forward, and this ticket is the winning combination that will defeat George Bush and Dick Cheney. This is the most important election of our lifetime, and I look forward to campaigning with our great leaders in Missouri and throughout the nation to elect John Kerry and John Edwards to the White House this November."

The Committee is as follows:

Senator Jean Carnahan, Senator Thomas Eagleton, Congressman Dick Gephardt

Governor Bob Holden, Lt. Gov Joe Maxwell, State Auditor Claire McCaskill, State Treasurer Nancy Farmer, Attorney General Jay Nixon, U.S. Representatives Karen McCarthy, Ike Skelton, Lacy Clay, former Representatives Alan Wheat and William Clay, and former Governor Warren Hearnes.

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