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Issue: 767   Date: 05/05/2005
中國代表團12人抵美 華益明、陳崗聖路易政府實地研習
China Senior Planner Professional Training in the U.S

左起:華益明副主任、戴慶齡博士、Lori Fiegel, Joanne Gladney及陳崗處長


為建設長江三角洲16城市成為全球第六大都市區會,一項由江蘇省政府與美國規劃協會合作推動之都市計劃專業研習項目於今年三月展開,第一批中國選訓之12位各級公務人員於3月20日飛抵美國首府華盛頓特區,集訓一個月後分赴全美五大城市實地研習。蘇州市園林局華益明副主任及南通市規劃局陳崗處長於4月25日來到聖路易,將在聖路易郡政府規劃廳實地研習三個月,聖路易郡政府為歡迎這兩位遠道而來的中國官員,安排有一連串緊密的研習參訪行程,與聖路易地區華人社區見面及接觸中美文化亦為其中一環。四月三十日,華益明、陳崗兩人在聖路易政府郡長機要秘書Joanne Gladney、郡規劃廳經理Lori Fiegel及南京聖路易姊妹市委員會副會長戴慶齡博士陪同下,在聖路易京園餐廳餐敘,同時介紹予華人社區。




華益明、陳崗兩位中國代表在聖路易郡政府研習的第一個禮拜就先為郡政府規劃廳相關人士做了一次幻燈英文簡報,介紹江蘇省和南京市概況,並開始瞭解聖路易各項規劃工作,此外聖路易中華文化協會已訂六月二十五日(週六)下午三時,在Dainel Boone圖書館(300 Clarkson Rd, 636 227-9630)邀請華益明、陳崗為華人社區作「蘇州園林」專題演講,會後並安排有餐會,屆時歡迎大家踴躍參加。

China Senior Planner Professional Training in the U.S. February-July 2005

Twelve senior planners from Jiangsu Province will come to the U.S. for six months of professional training. At the request of Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Li Yuanchao and Jiangsu Construction Department Director ZhouYou, APA has entered into a long-term training and exchange cooperative agreement. This agreement calls for APA to provide a variety of training and exchange opportunities for Jiangsu leaders and senior planners.

The 12 senior planners will spend their first month in lectures given by American elected and appointed officials, university faculty, and professional planners in Washington, D.C. During the following four months, they will work in planning-related institutions to gain practical planning experiences and knowledge. Local hosts will provide assignments and opportunities for these Chinese fellows to learn the American planning process first-hand. They will be expected to work alongside an assigned partner in working as staff member of the planning institution. During this phase of training, the 12 planners will visit several cities and towns to further their understanding of planning in the U.S.

St. Louis County Planning Department is hosting two senior planners from the Jiangsu Province in China for the next 4-6 weeks through an international exchange program in conjunction with the American Planning Assoc. They are Hua Yi Ming, whose American nickname is "Booker", and Chen Gang. They formally began their placement with County on Wednesday, April 27th. Hua (or Booker) has a forestry background and works in a National Park in Suzhou. Chen works in the Infrastructure Division for the Nantong Planning Bureau. Both have about 10 years of planning experience. Jiangsu province has a population of 73 million and includes Nanjing, St. Louis' sister city of nearly 7 million people.

In the final month, they will write a paper both in English and in Chinese. If passed by their advisors and certified by the APA Expert Certifying Board, APA will certify the trainees.

The Jiangsu Provincial Government is responsible for all costs of the training program. APA is seeking planning-related agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and universities in the Washington, D.C., area to collaborate on this program.

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