OnLine Store
Issue: 818 Date: 4/27/2006

Emphasize our China Town section at Olive Blvd.

        By Willa Boisseau, SCANews Senior Editor

        The soggy banners of the Olive Business Association, whipped by the wind and rain of recent storms, will soon be hung again. At its last meeting, the group heard a report that the City is waiting for new hardware to hang the banners. More trees will be planted, and the appearance of the business district will continue to improve.

        Francine Brungardt, City Council member, brought ideas from the Loop Business District for use be the OBA. She said we should continue to stress the use of our logo and to advertise "Olive Link" as our separate identity. Francis Yu urged the OBA to remember to emphasize our China Town section. It is a unique and interesting area of St. Louis.

        Sculpture and art by Washington University students will be placed around the city, including in the Green Center grounds, and will be left for the enjoyment of residents for a few months.

        Julie Freier, our new City Manager, will be meeting the people of U. City at area events. She will take office when Frank Ollendorff, present City Manager, retires. Some people will remember her from a few years ago, when she was Assistant City Manager here.

        "Savor U. City," a festival featuring U. City foods and merchants, will be a late spring fun- and flavor- filled event. Businesses should reserve spaces and booths beginning the first of May.

        Another early morning meeting of the OBA will be held on May 9 from 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. in the Heman Park Community Center. Bagels , doughnuts, coffee and tea will be available. This meeting will replace the 6:00 P.M. meeting that day. The June meeting will be held at the regular evening time.

        Be sure to attend and be part of what is going on!

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