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Issue: 819 Date: 5/4/2006

Professor Huping Ling Received Awards

        Dr. Huping Ling, Professor of History at Truman State University, was selected as the recipient of the 2005-2006 Allen Fellowship for Faculty Excellence at Truman with $10,000 prize. The most prestigious awards at Truman since 2001, the Walker and Doris Allen Fellowships for Faculty Excellence at Truman State University recognize outstanding faculty members who have greatly contributed to the success of the University and its students. President Barbara Dixon, Vice President for Academic Affairs Garry Gordon, and Vice President for University Advancement Mark Gambaiana presented the award. The presentation was done in front of Dr. Ling’s class, surprising her and her students.

        Huping Ling's article "Reconceptualizing Chinese American Community in St. Louis: From Chinatown to Cultural Community." Journal of American Ethnic History Vol. 24, No. 2 (Winter 2005): 65-101 has won the Best Article Award, 48th Missouri Conference on History, 2006. Based on her book Chinese St. Louis: From Enclave to Cultural Community (Temple University Press, 2004), the article focuses on her theoretical interpretation of "Cultural Community." The cultural community theory has been widely recognized as a significant contribution to the understanding of ethnic communities in America.

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