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Issue: 822 Date: 5/25/2006

Documentary film about the Rape of Nanking: "The Nanjing Massacre - Nightmare in Nanking."

        This summer, libraries throughout the United States, will be sponsoringfree showings of the acclaimed documentary film about the Rape ofNanking: "The Nanjing Massacre - Nightmare in Nanking." Previews ofthis horrifying film have already been shown to standing-room-onlyaudiences who were left in shock and in tears.

        Tens of thousands of dollars have been donated to support the productionof this shocking film, and over 50 articles have appeared in theChinese-American, and Chinese media.

        "The whole world should see this movie." -- Wenli Liu, Editor,

        Now, by popular demand, university and public libraries from New York toSan Francisco, including the University of California at San Diego,California State University at Fullerton, and the Los Angeles publiclibrary, will be showing both the English-language and theMandarin-language editions. For details and show times, see

        Although documentaries such as these are normally sold for $300.00, theproducers, have agreed to provide free copies to any library wishing tosponsor free showings. The producers have created special 2-sided DVDs,with the English edition on one side, and the Mandarin edition on theother. For a limited time, anyone wishing to purchase and donate thisfilm, can obtain the DVD for $10.00 at the website: or by sending a check to the producers: Dr.Joseph, 677 Elm St., San Jose, CA 95126.

        The producers encourage everyone to contact their local library torequest free copies.

        Co-producer Haiyan Wu reports that making this film was incrediblydepressing and stressful. She was threatened by people wishing to stopthis film, and she repeatedly had nightmares of being chased by Japanesesoldiers who killed her family.

        The Rape of Nanking is not for the faint hearted (see Japanese soldiers tear out the eyes ofchildren, gang-rape women then set them on fire, bury people alive oruse them for bayonet practice...beheading women, children, oldmen....and torturing people for fun...and then laughing hysterically asvictims, who have been set on fire, run screaming through the night...

        "We had fun killing Chinese. We caught some innocent Chinese and eitherburied them alive, or pushed them into a fire, or beat them to deathwith clubs. When they were half dead we pushed them into ditches andburned them, torturing them to death. Everyone gets his entertainmentthis way. Its like killing dogs and cats." --Asahi Shimbun.

        "We took turns raping them. We always stabbed and killed them. When wewere raping her, we looked at her as a woman. But when we killed her, wejust thought of her as something like a pig." --Azuma Shiro, Japanesesoldier.

        Haiyan Wu, who produced and narrated the Mandarin edition of Rape ofNanking, is an award winning director, producer, and reporter fromChina Central TV. Her programs were featured on CCTVs most popularstation and most popular progam, and her shows were repeatedly named:"best program of the year" and "best program of the season." In one30-minute, CCTV program, Ms. Wu directly challenged Chinese governmentpolices on work-place safety. This program was shocking. Injured workershad been denied basic health care and were shown missing arms, legs,hands, due to work-place injuries. The Chinese government was soimpressed they honored her with a major award for her reporting, andlabor laws and labor-health policies were changed.

        Best selling author and acclaimed film-maker, Dr. Rhawn Joseph, producedand narrated the English-language edition. Dr. Joseph's last film,"Hitler's Diaries" was previewed by CBS/KPIX which called the film,"Mesmerizing."

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