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Issue: 835 Date: 8/24/2006

陶光業博士、Justin Meehan律師、吳毓真社長會勘中國花園
密蘇里植物園內中國花園「友寧園」紋石步道受損 中美社區同聲關注
CHINESE GARDEN - St. Louis' best kept secrets - Needs Attention

密蘇里植物園內中國花園友寧園紋石步道受損,(右起)Justin Meehan律師,陶光業博士,時報吳毓真長共同會勘,表達關切
        【時報社區關懷專題報導】位於聖路易,聞名全美的密蘇里植物園內之中國花園「友寧園」(The Grigg Nanjing Friendship Garden)由於地層下陷及土石流失,園內紋石步道有多處嚴重損失,無人聞問,失去當日之風采及文化意義,園方僅以普通灰色水泥塗抹修補,影響中國花園整體美甚巨。8月15日(週二)下午二時,聖路易華人社區大家長陶光業博士,執業律師Justin Meehan,聖路易時報社長吳毓真等三人共同會勘中國花園紋石步道受損情形,表達聖路易中美社區之同聲關注。植物園園方非常重視這次的會勘,在陶光業博士聯係下,派出總務副總裁Paul Breckmann出面參與會勘並作解釋,Breckmann副總裁保證在今年秋天之前將紋石步道修復。

        密蘇里植物園內之中國花園「友寧園」正式名稱為「Grigg南京友誼花園」,建於1996年,係彰顯密蘇里植物園與中國植物研究所長久以來在科學上、文化上之交流及合作,同時也代表聖路易市與中國姊妹市南京市之長久情誼。友寧園內之主要建築和建材都由南京市政府致贈,密蘇里植物園和聖路易市政府則回贈南京市一座兒童遊樂場。興建友寧園之工程費用則由聖路易市Margaret Grigg Oberheide女士以紀念她的雙親Estelle和Robert Blanke名義全數捐贈。

        友寧園旁即是佔地比友寧園大好幾倍,內容比友寧園豐富之日本花園,多年來友寧園一直受限於實際之地理環境而遜於日本花園,友寧園內之建築和維修也經常受到忽視。由於地層下限和土石流失。友寧園內展現中華文化陰陽調和之紋石步道陰陽圖案受損,園方僅以一般灰色水泥塗抹修補,在整體外觀上極不協調,不但破壞友寧園中國花園之優美,更讓中美遊客不解其意,這種情形持續了很久也無人聞問,直到熱愛中華文化,擔任太極拳師傅之美籍律師Justin Meehan數次向園方提出異議,同時獲得聖路易華人社區大家長,目前是植物園董事之陶光業博士和聖路易時報之支持,展開會勘行動,力促園方提出解決方案。

        15日的會勘結果,與會人士看到紋石受損實情,兩處灰色水泥確實突兀於中華文化,影響觀瞻及中國花園意境,園方出面解釋之Paul Breckmann表示,植物園絕無忽視中國花園之意,以灰色水泥塗抹是權宜之計。祗有找到和其它現有紋石相同顏色和大小之紋石,同時需要特別的工程人員才能將這些紋石依原有之圖案修復。這些步驟中有些並非植物園本身所能掌控,由於各方之關切壓力及此次會勘之進行,Paul Breckmann保證園方將盡一切努力在今年秋天以前將紋石步道修復。

        在進行會勘同時,大家發現中國花園之指引牌示並不清楚明顯,不容易引起遊客注意前往遊園。Paul Breckmann回答這個問題時表示,植物園有意製作一個以「飛龍」造型之明顯標識牌放在中國花園入口,可是園方無力支付製作這個標示牌之經費美金五萬元。陶光業博士建議,可以邀請聖路易本地之華裔建築師設計,然後到中國製作可將此計劃實現。

        能在密蘇里植物園內有一座代表中華文化,展現中華亭園之美的中國花園「友寧園」是聖路易中美社區的至寶,與會人士同意籌組一個中國花園之友會(Friends of the Chinese Garden Committee),與園方共同維護和弘揚友寧園之美麗和中華文化。有意參加中國花園之友會或瞭解詳情之各界人士,歡迎致電Justin Meehan律師事物所,電話:314-772-9494。

        CHINESE GARDEN - St. Louis' best kept secrets - Needs Attention

        A delegation of concerned citizens met with officials from the Missouri Botanical Garden to discuss the situation regarding needed repairs to the Chinese Nanjing Friendship Pavilion. The delegation led by local attorney and Taiji Instructor, J. Justin Meehan were concerned about un-repaired stone mosaic inlays along the path leading into the Garden pavilion. Over time mortar holding the stones had crumbled and left gaps in the mosaic patterns. While awaiting repair the mosaic patterns had been covered with gray cement which looked very much out of character next to all the other beautiful mosaic inlays such as cranes and five pedaled flowers, some of which were symbols for the Emperor and Empress of China.


        The Chinese Garden was designed by award-winning Chinese American architect Yong Pan. The Grigg Nanjing Friendship Garden which is its official title, was dedicated in 1996 to commemorate the longstanding scientific and cultural exchanges between the Missouri Botanical Garden and Chinese Botanical Institutions. The garden also honors the sister-city relationship between the United States and China. Major features of the Garden were gifts from the city of Nanjing. In return, the Garden and the City of St. Louis gave Nanjing a children's playground. Construction of the Chinese Garden was made possible by a gift from Margaret Grigg Oberheide in memory of her parents, Estelle and Robert Blanke.


        The Chinese Garden is a secluded and sometimes easy to overlook site which is somewhat overshadowed by its more famous neighbor, The Japanese Garden. For those visiting aficionado of the Chinese Garden, the need for repairs raised the issue as to whether the Chinese Garden was receiving the sufficient time, attention and resources available though the Missouri Botanical Gardens that it so richly deserves. In an effort to get answers to questions regarding repairs, delegation leaders reached out to Dr. Bill Tao, who sits on the Missouri Botanical Garden board and who is considered to be a "Big Parent" or "Godfather" (only in the best sense as a person whose moral standing is so high as to guarantee instant response) in the St. Louis Chinese and Chinese American community. Though his intervention and auspices, a meeting was set up with Paul Breckmann, Vice President, General Services of the Missouri Botanical Garden.


        On Tuesday, August 15, 2006, J. Justin Meehan and Dr. Bill Tao met with Paul Breckmann of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Also present at the meeting were editors of the St. Louis Chinese-America News, Francis Yueh and May Wu. Mr. Breckmann reviewed the areas in need of repair but assured the delegation that there was no lack of interest on the part of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Finding the exact type stones and reduplicating the mosaic inlays required obtaining the stones from Nanjing and having an independent contractor put them back in place according to original design. These matters involved efforts and contingencies outside of the Missouri Botanical Garden's control. However, assurances were given that the Missouri Botanical Garden would press to ensure that work would be completed by this Fall.


        Other concerns were discussed by the group including finding a better way to attract attention to the Chinese Garden entrance. The sign leading to the Garden was not very noticeable to the casual visitor. Discussion was had regarding a decorative dragon sculpture to be erected outside the Garden entrance. Unfortunately, the cost was projected to be in the $50,000 range. Dr. Tao felt that an attractive dragon structure could be designed by local Chinese architects and built in China for a much more affordable price. The next question was how best to bring this idea into reality.


        Justin Meehan suggested the formation of Friends of the Chinese Garden committee which would consist of all persons with a deep interest in the upkeep, presentation and preservation of the Chinese Garden. This was met with enthusiastic interest by all involved. Plans were made to discuss further the organization of a Friends of the Chinese Garden committee whose purpose would be to assist in funding the upkeep and development of the Chinese Garden; to provide education and enjoyment of the Chinese Garden; and to bring together persons of all backgrounds to share their interest and support of the Chinese Garden. Those interested should contact J. Justin Meehan, Attorney at Law, at (314) 772-9494.


        In order to better highlight the Garden and to introduce more people to the great pleasures of the Chinese Garden, a Special Appreciation Tour has been arranged by the Missouri Botanical Garden, details of which are as follows:

        Spend a hour learning from experts about the history, design and symbolism of our beautiful Chinese Garden, too often overlooked in the shadow of the Japanese Garden, and then join our select group for an hour of enjoyment at a private Chinese Garden party where we will enjoy drinking tea, serenaded by Chinese musician(s), listening to Chinese poetry, discussing the meaning of life with Chinese Buddhists, practicing Taoist Chi Gong, and just plain relaxing in the intimate confines of our enchanting Chinese Garden, which will never seem the same again

        Location: MBG: Garden RoomAdult Ed Price: $20 member, $25.00 non-memberDates and Times: Sunday, October 29th1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

        It is recommended that those interested contact the Gardens to sign up as soon as possible as group size will be limited in order to ensure an intimate and enjoyable experience in what many consider too be St. Louis' most magnificent monuments to Chinese Culture and also one of St. Louis' best kept secrets.

Justin Meehan指出紋石步道受損處及塗抹灰色水泥修復處 密蘇里植物園副總裁Paul Breckmann出面解釋並保證修復
會勘結束,Justin Meehan律師和陶光業博士在中國花園內商量成立中國花園之友會 植物園內優美之中國花園友寧園入口

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