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Issue: 838 Date: 9/14/2006

改進「有教無類」政策 補足公立學校經費 增加學生貸款經費
Calls For Reforms To NCLB, Fully Funding Missouri Public Schools, And Increasing Funding For Student Loans

        【時報訊】正當國會準備再強化「有教無類」(No Child Left Behind)政策之際,密蘇里州現在面對一個對公立學校意義重大的機會,「有教無類」將大力擴張聯邦政府在教育方面之主導性,同時規定各州,包括密蘇里州,如何去衡量學生之學習成果。





         MCCASKILL UNVEILS EDUCATION PLAN Calls For Reforms To NCLB, Fully Funding Missouri Public Schools, And Increasing Funding For Student Loans

        ST. LOUIS - As Congress prepares to reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), we are faced with a watershed opportunity for Missouri's public schools. The enactment of NCLB greatly expanded the role of the federal government in education, dictating to states like Missouri how they should measure student achievement.

        While NCLB promised to fund our schools and hold failing schools accountable, President Bush and the Republican Congress have only held up one half of this bargain- punishing schools at every chance and failing to deliver the funds they promised. McCaskill criticized NCLB's inflexible standards, which hurt low income and minority students, and called for an education policy that measures schools on individual student achievement, ets realistic goals, and fully funds our schools.

        "No Child Left Behind was designed to close the gap between good and bad schools, not widen it," McCaskill said. "By underfunding our public schools and punishing those that cannot meet its standards, No Child Left Behind has prevented resources from getting to the schools and students who need them the most."

        Only months after Republicans passed the largest cuts ever to student aid, McCaskill emphasized her commitment to making higher education accessible to all Missourians, since Missouri must have a highly skilled workforce to be able to remain competitive in the global economy.

        "Offering a quality and affordable college education is the most important thing we can do for our country's future," said McCaskill. "At a time when the Republicans are handing billions of dollars over to big oil companies, it is irresponsible to cut funding that would make it easier for our kids to go to college. This is just another example of how Missouri needs new leadership in Washington."

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