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Issue: 839 Date: 9/21/2006

On Labor Day, McCaskill Lends Support to Minimum Wage Initiative

        【時報訊】正當大家慶祝9月4日勞工節(Labor Day),享受這額外一天休假日之際,參選美國國會參議員席位之民主黨候選人Claire McCaskill在她的心中許下一個願望,那就是給密蘇里州所有時薪工人們加薪,調高最低工資待遇。

        她同時責問參議員Jim Talent,為何連續11次投票反對調高最低工資,並且在提高工資提案中保持緘默。



        McCaskill質疑他的競選對手現任國會參議員Jim Talen為何反對調高最低工資,且不願意支持提案。在國會山莊,Talent參議員11次反對調高最低工資,但是卻給自己調薪了三萬一千六百元,Talent認為調高最低工資是一個不對的觀念,美聯社甚至報導表示,就Talent參議員之反應而言,密州的提案又要被延誤了。


        On Labor Day, McCaskill Lends Support to Minimum Wage Initiative

        August 31, 2006

        McCaskill Questions Talent's Silence on Minimum Wage Ballot Initiative After 11 Career Votes Against Giving Missourians A Raise

        ST. LOUIS - This past Labor Day Weekend, workers across Missouri were recognized for their hard work with an extra day of rest. While U.S. Senate Candidate Claire McCaskill celebrated the holiday like most Missourians, she had one topic most on her mind: giving Missouri workers a raise.

        "It's been almost ten years since hard working families in Missouri got a raise," McCaskill said. "In addition to the fact that working families deserve it, an increase in the minimum wage would create jobs, boost the economy, and help small businesses."

        McCaskill cited statistics that show 256,000 Missourians would benefit from a raise in the minimum wage, resulting in $85 million to workers supporting their families. Additionally, a minimum wage increase would actually result in a boost to the economy as well. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the last time Missouri raised the minimum wage 90,400 jobs were added to Missouri's workforce. An increase would also improve small business growth.

        McCaskill discussed her opponent's record of opposing a minimum wage increase and questioned the reasoning for his refusal to take a stance on the state initiative. Talent has voted 11 times against raising the minimum wage, despite taking a pay raise of $31,600 since he's been in Washington. Talent called a minimum wage increase a "bad concept" and even the Associated Press reported: "Applying [Talent's] comments to Missouri's ballot measure, it could be inferred that Talent is opposed to it."

        "Senator Talent has voted against raising the minimum wage 11 times. With a record like that, why would you be afraid to stand on your principles?" McCaskill said. "I just don't know what's worse -- that he's against it, or that he won't say that he's against it. Missourians deserve to know where he stands on this."

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