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Issue: 840 Date: 9/28/2006

讓密州中產家庭有能力上大學 付保險和買房子
Emphasizes Support For Tax Cuts To Help Missouri Families Afford College Tuition, Childcare, and Homeownership

        【時報訊】美國參議員候選人Claire McCaskill目前公佈她為密蘇里州中產階級家庭提出之減稅計劃,McCaskill強調要讓每一個密州家庭都能夠在合理稅制下改善財務狀況。






        McCASKILL UNVEILS MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT PLANEmphasizes Support For Tax Cuts To Help Missouri Families Afford College Tuition, Childcare, and Homeownership

        ST. LOUIS - Today, U.S. Senate Candidate Claire McCaskill unveiled her middle-class tax cut plan. McCaskill vowed to fight for a tax policy that would help all Missourians attain their financial aspirations, not just millionaires.

        "Over the past six years, Missouri's middle-class has been overlooked while the Bush administration has given billions in tax cuts to big corporations and millionaires," said McCaskill. "I believe we need a tax policy that focuses on rewarding hard-working Missourians, not further padding the pockets of the richest among us."

        McCaskill pledged to make higher education more affordable for Missouri families by increasing the college tuition tax deduction. While getting a college degree is more important than ever in today's economy, with the rising costs of college tuition it is becoming more unattainable to middle-class families due to recent cuts supported by the Republican Congress.

        "How can the Republicans talk about competing in the global economy then turn around and make college education unaffordable for many middle-class families? When I go to Washington, I'll fight to expand access to college for all of our children," McCaskill said.

        McCaskill also vowed to help middle class families balance work and family by doubling the tax breaks available to families for childcare. McCaskill proposes allowing all Missouri families to calculate the child care credit based on the maximum allowable percentage of 35%. Claire's proposal would nearly double the top benefit to $2,100 for families with incomes above $43,000.

        Finally, McCaskill pledged to create a tax credit for first-time homebuyers. While homeownership is the largest form of wealth for most Missourians, the escalating costs of homeownership have priced many first-time buyers out of the market. McCaskill would help Missourians afford to buy their first house by giving all new homebuyers a one-time tax credit of up to $3,000.

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