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Issue: 845 Date: 11/2/2006

Remember to Vote

        今年十一月七日是一個 很重要的日子 - 我們的投票日。 有些人認為我們亞裔的選票不是很重要, 因為可以投票的選民都不參與投票。 現在亞裔在美國佔有一席之地﹐ 如果我們亞裔積極地參與投票﹐政府會更加關注我們亞裔群體的利益。因為你不去投票,就表明你的力量小﹐聲音小﹐在美國的政治舞台上就沒有你的發言權力。 沒有人會為你辯護權益。

        今年密蘇里州的聯邦參議員選舉特別重要姓﹐應為兩位主要候選人競爭非常激烈﹐我們應該把選票投給一名擁有以下主要競選政見的候選人﹕* 支持提高教育基金﹐不讓一個孩子落後計劃﹐* 低費用的老人的健康計劃﹐* 減少中產階級家庭的稅收﹐* 提高最低工資﹐* 支持為美伍軍人及他們的家屬建立好的贊助計劃. (包括提供最好的醫院 和醫療設備 及資金)﹐* 支持禁止非法毒品的活動。

        聯邦參議員選舉候選人Claire McCaskill 所提出的政見 對我們亞裔有一定的幫助。 她是我們亞裔社區多年的朋友。 我們要把選票投給她﹗ 支持她獲得選舉的席位﹐ 有助于代表亞裔發出我們的心聲。社區人士呼籲亞裔選民能踴躍投票, 讓主流社會聽到亞裔的聲音。


        Remember to Vote

        This year, November 7th is an important date to remember - it's Election Day. Some think the Asian vote is not important because in the past record has shown that many eligible Asians do not vote. This is no longer the case and it is important that Asians have a large turnout to prove that this is a misconception. When many Asians vote, politicians will pay a lot more attention to Asian issues.

        The Missouri Senate race this year has unusual significant importance because the race between the two candidates, Claire McCaskill and Jim Talent, is very close, and the outcome of this race will affect many policies directly impacting Asian-American communities nationwide. I recommend that Asian-Americans vote for the candidate who will:· fund education initiatives such as NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND· provide low cost healthcare to seniors· make tax cuts for middle class families· raise the minimum wage· fund programs for America's veterans and their families (including funding for veteran's hospitals to ensure returning soldiers receive the best medical care available)· support our police in the fight against illegal drugs such as Meth.

        The US Senate candidate who will support the issues that are vital to the Asian-American community is our State Auditor Claire McCaskill. Her leadership is needed in Washington to give our community a voice to benefit our seniors, our students and our children.

        Best Regards,Otto LeeOtto LeeVice MayorCity of Sunnyvale, California

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