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Issue: 846 Date: 11/9/2006

2006期中大選 您的決定 Your Decision
國會眾議院權力轉移 民主黨228席 共和黨206席
McCaskill ousts Talent in tight Senate race

民主黨Claire McCaskill英勇奮戰,挑戰成功,當選美國參議員,分析家認為她的獲勝主要是得到了大城市郊區原來共和黨支持者之轉向支持
        全國36州州長改選,民主黨贏得20州,New York,Ohio,Massachusetts,Colorado,Maryland,Arkansas重回民主黨懷抱

        Claire McCaskill擊敗Jim Talent 當選美國參議員

        第三選區國會眾議員Russ Carnahan當選連任

        幹細胞研究案獲支持 通過


        提高最低工資案獲壓倒性支持順利 通過

        聖路易郡郡長Charlie Dooley贏得14萬餘票 高票當選

        第五選區郡議員 Barbara Fraser 當選

        21區地方法官 Judy Draper獲支持得以續任

        Chesterfield 86選區州議員 Jane Cunningham 當選

        U City 72選區州議員 Maria Chappelle-Nadal 當選

美國參議員: Jim Talent (共和黨) Claire McCaskil (民主黨)l 當選
985,701票 47.43% 1,027,670票 49.45%
        密州審計長:Sandra Thomas (共和黨) Susan Montee (民主黨) 當選
873,980票 43.37% 1,064,457票 52.82%
第一選區: Mark J. Byrne (共和黨 ) Lacy Clay (民主黨) 當選
45,651 票 24.64% 135,094 票 72.91%
第二選區: (共和黨)Todd Akin (共和黨) 當選 George Weber (民主黨)
172,971票 61.36% 103,117票 36.58%
第三選區: (共和黨) David Bertelsen Russ Carnahan (民主黨) 當選
61,830票 31.18% 131,073票 66.9%
第十四選區: Rita H. Days (民主黨) 當選
第二十四選區: John W. Maupin (共和黨) Joan Bray (民主黨) 當選
第二十六選區 John Griesheimer 當選 (共和黨) Gene Tyler (民主黨)
聖路易郡郡長: Joe Passanise(共和黨) Charlie A. Dooley (民主黨) 當選
120,050票 31.02% 260,119票 67.22%
第一選區: Hazel M. Erby (民主黨) 當選
第三選區:Colleen Wasinger (共和黨) 當選 Kathy Schweitzer (民主黨)
第五選區:Kurt S. Odenwald(共和黨) Barbara Fraser (民主黨) 當選
第七選區:Greg Quinn (共和黨) 當選 Steven Biggs (民主黨)
        2006期中大選公投議案★憲法修正案第2號(又稱幹細胞研究案) 密蘇里州州憲法可否允許幹細胞之研究,臨床及治療並予設限? 通過同意1,057,930票 不同意1,012,164票
        ★憲法修正案第3號(又稱煙草稅) 密蘇里州州憲法可否增收每支香煙4分錢的稅和增加20%課稅基點到煙草製造廠,其它煙草產品原有發票金額? 未通過同意1,003,464票,不同意1,065,409票。
        ★憲法修正案第6號 密蘇里州州憲法可否允許用於非營利目的或退伍軍人組織之房地產和個人資產予以免稅? 通過同意1,180,436票 不同意740,417票

        ★憲法修正案第7號 密蘇里州州憲法第13號第三部分可否要求議員、密州民選公職人員和法官在重罪判決後取消其退休金,在行為不檢,受到彈劾時取消其職務,並由公民 委員會要求賠償? 通過同意1,640,897票 不同意303,895票

        ★B提案—提高最低工資案 密蘇里州是否應該提高州最低工資到每小時6.5元,如果聯邦最低工資高於6.5元,是否應調高至聯邦之最低工資水準,並且以零售價指數之變化 為基礎,每年調整州最低工資? 通過同意1,555,316票,不同意494,401票。

        McCaskill ousts Talent in tight Senate race

        Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Claire McCaskill narrowly defeated Republican incumbent Jim Talent in one of the nation's most closely watched contests on Tuesday.

        "Tonight we have heard the voices of Missourians and they have said we want change," McCaskill said in declaring victory at the Democratic election party early this morning.

        Talent called McCaskill about 1 this morning to concede.

        "It just looked like we couldn't do it," he said. "The headwind was very strong this year."

        Credit for McCaskill's victory goes in part to her success in garnering more votes from Republican-rich rural turf.

        For example, in southwest Missouri's Greene County, which includes Springfield, she captured more than 40 percent of the vote - a strong performance for a Democrat in such solid Republican country.

        McCaskill had campaigned for months in rural communities, in an attempt to chip away at the traditional Republican edge that has been dooming many Democratic statewide candidates in recent elections.

        As a Republican, Talent needed a strong showing - at least 60 percent of the vote - in Missouri's rural counties, which produce more than a third of the statewide vote.

        McCaskill, meanwhile, needed a similar-size edge in the state's two urban areas - St. Louis and Kansas City. She carried both cities with a combined edge of more than 100,000 votes. She also carried St. Louis County.

        With political control of the U.S. Senate at stake, the Talent-McCaskill contest remained a nail-biter early this morning.

        The economy and the war in Iraq were two key motivators for Missouri voters on Tuesday, according to an exit poll, which indicated that McCaskill benefited from their turnout.

        The voter survey, sponsored by media outlets, was based on interviews with 2,388 Missouri voters: 37 percent identifying themselves Democrats, 39 percent as Republicans, and 24 percent as independents.

        A strong majority, 83 percent, said the economy was either extremely or very important in determining their vote for U.S. Senate. McCaskill won the support of a slight majority of those worried about the economy.

        Most of the 62 percent of voters who cited Iraq as a key factor in determining their vote also favored McCaskill.

        In a race that has been seen in part as a referendum on the war and on President George W. Bush, a majority of the respondents, 52 percent, said they disapproved of the war in Iraq, while 47 percent said they approved.

參議員Jim Talent競選連任遭滑鐵廬,Jim Talent說今年的「逆風」太強了,圖為Jim Talent 在Chesterfield投票所用電腦 票機投票,旁邊為他的女兒Chrissy。 參議員Jim Talent支持者得知選情失利,難掩失望之情
聖路易郡郡長Charlie Dooley獲得壓倒性支持,高票當選郡長(圖為Dooley郡長出席聖路易美華協會時報檔案相片) 國會眾議員Lacy Clay競選連任成功(檔案相片)
參議員候選人Claire McCaskill及眾議員候選人Russ Carnahan選前聯袂拜訪聖路易選民
州議員Barbara Fraser進軍聖路易郡議員成功(圖為她參加聖路易華服中心週年慶時報檔案相片) 選戰失利美國防部長Donald Rumsfeld於8日上午辭職,布希總統將提名中情局局長Robert Gates接替,由於選民以選票表達對執政黨及伊拉克戰爭之不滿,Rumsfeld部長下台在各方預料之中,美國之中東出兵政策或將有所改變。
Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill is surrounded by family as she accepts cheers from supporters after being elected over incumbant Republican Sen. Jim Talent during an election watch party Wednesday morning, Nov. 8, 2006, in St. Louis. (AP Photo/L.G. Patterson) Brenda Talent looks on as her husband Sen. Jim Talent concedes defeat to democratic challenger Claire McCaskill at his election watch party Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2006 in St. Louis.(AP Photo/Tom Gannam) 
Newly elected Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill waves to supporters early Wednesday morning, Nov. 8, 2006 at an election watch party in St. Louis. (AP Photo/L.G. Patterson) Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill waits in line with her husband Joseph Shepard to vote in Kirkwood, Mo., Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedeld)

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