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Issue: 848 Date: 11/23/2006

O'Fallon市Vince's Asian Bistro隆重開幕
Vincent's Asian Bistro Restaurant & Bar Grand Opening in O'Fallon

蕭榮新、劉美如(Vincent & Anna Shiao)(中)Vince's Asian Bistro餐廳開幕剪綵典禮各界貴賓蒞臨道賀
        【時報訊】位於O'Fallon市,高速公路70與K/M公路交口之Vince's Asian Bistro中餐廳11月16日(週四)下午四時半至7時舉行隆重的開幕剪綵儀式。O'Fallon市市長Donna Marrow特別頒贈賀匾、由市議員Bill Gardner代表致贈予餐廳負責人、主廚蕭榮新、劉美如夫婦(Vincent & Anna Shiao),O'Fallon市市商會亦派多位代表與會,歡迎這間O'Fallon市唯一非自助餐式之中餐廳進駐O'Fallon市,開幕式當天賀客盈門,喜氣洋洋,共同參與剪綵儀式。

        Vince's Asian Bistro由聖路易名廚Vincenit蕭榮新主廚,他曾是聖路易郡Manchester路Mandarin House(小京園)及聖路易城區聯合火車站Mandarin House(京園)兩家餐廳之主廚,曾留學法國習得一身好手藝,中式、越式料理、點心及甜點尤其拿手,嚐過的顧客都讚不絕口。

        蕭榮新表示,O'Fallon市是聖路易地區經濟成長最快速的衛星城市,人口近七萬人,提供了很好的生意成長機會,Master Card萬士達信用卡及Citi Group花旗銀行都將資訊總部遷往到這裡,2006年金錢雜誌(Money Magazine)評比O'Fallon市是密蘇里州排名第一最適合居住之城市,所以他選擇在O'Fallon市打天下,開了這家以聞名世界法國小館Bistro為名之亞洲式中餐館,取其意為精緻溫馨風格之中餐館,提供之菜式包括傳統之中餐料理外加些日本料理、韓式料理等和越南河粉湯麵等以符亞裔顧客的喜好,同時推出美國顧客喜歡又熟悉之中國食物,自11月初開始營業以來,好名聲及口碑逐漸打開,許多喜歡坐下來精心享受美食品嚐美食的顧客和家庭像發現寶藏一樣來到Vince's Asian Bistro用餐,臨走時還會對Vincenit說「我們一定會再來光顧」。

        Vince's Asian Bistro店內裝璜正如其名,既溫馨又典雅,全是Vincenit的太太Anna的巧手設計、選料佈置而成,整個餐廳的溫暖配色色系讓大家一見就喜愛,牆上的四幅中國字字畫和整排面向街道之窗帘都是Anna親自裝璜選購的,開幕剪綵當天Vincenit和Anna全家總動員,他們正讀高中的兒子Brendan及女兒Liz都來到餐廳幫忙招呼客人。

        Vince's Asian Bistro地址在121 O'Fallon Plaza, O'Fallon, MO 63366,訂位電話:636-978-6789,營業時間早餐週一至週六11點到2點,晚餐週一至週四4點半到9點,週五、週六4點半到10點,週日休息,如果您走高速公路40以西,到K公路出口右轉向北再行7公里,經過70號高速公路後第三個紅綠燈前,Sonic餐廳後馬上右轉即進入O'Fallon Plaza即到,如果走70號高速公路,在K/M公路出口右轉。

        Vincent's Asian Bistro Restaurant & Bar Grand Opening in O'Fallon

        The ribbon-cut grand opening ceremony of the only sit down Chinese restaurant in O'Fallon - Vincent's Asian Bistro Restaurant & Bar - was held on Thursday, November 16, 2006. O'Fallon Mayor Donna Morrow's congratulation plaque was presented to the owners, Vincent and Anna Shiao, by Ward I Councilman Bill Gardner. The O'Fallon Chamber of Commerce also welcomed Vincent and Anna Shiao to join Missouri's "Best Place To Live" city, listed by Money Magazine.

        Vincent Shiao is the son-in-law of Mr. Sherwin Liu, owner of the Mandarin House Chinese restaurant (170 & Page). Mandarin House was established in 1978 and has been serving authentic Chinese cuisine in St. Louis for over 25 years. Vincent previously owned two Mandarin Houses, one on Manchester Rd and the other inside Union Station. He worked at the Page Mandarin House for the last 5 years and now is able to run his own restaurant again in the fast growing and developing O'Fallon area.

        Vincent's Asian Bistro Restaurant & Bar provides authentic food. You can have Chinese, Korean (famous Korean noodle), Vietnamese style food and even Japan sushi there. Many culinary surprises await you.

        Vince's Asian Bistro Restaurant & Bar

        21 O'Fallon Plaza, O'Fallon, MO 63366 (I-70 and Hwy K & M, north of M)

        Reservation: (636)978-6789


        Lunch: Mon-Sat 11:00-2:00

        Dinner: Mon-Thur 4:30-9:00Fri-Sat 4:30-10:00

        Sunday closed.

O'Fallon議員Bill Gardner代表市長Donna Marrow致贈賀匾予蕭榮新、劉美如夫婦 Vince's Asian Bistro餐廳全景
高速公路40以西在K公路9號出口向北即到Vincent的餐廳 密蘇里州O'Fallon市被金錢雜誌評比為密州排名第一,最適宜居住之城市

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