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Issue: 848 Date: 11/23/2006

AsianPacific Bancorp

        【時報訊】隨著大聖路易地區亞太裔人口和工商企業近年來之快速成長,一間專為聖路易地區亞太裔社區提供銀行業務之銀行目前正在積極募股籌組中。這家預定設在聖路易之亞裔銀行將以傳統社區銀行營運方式,滿足聖路易亞太裔社區個人及工商業界金融、經濟之需要。據籌組亞裔銀行公司Asian Pacific Bancorp, Inc.之執行長黃卓寅(Thomas Cy Wang)表示,這間亞裔銀行將是密蘇里州第一家專為服務亞太裔社區而成立之銀行,將為亞太裔社區提供進一步經濟發展之機會。亞裔銀行主要籌組成員中華裔人士有黃卓寅、黃欽興及蔡沐錦等人士,此外尚有Joseph Simmens Deborah Wagnon, Linda Novak等人。




        聖路易亞裔銀行目前正積極籌備中,預計2006年年底籌集7百萬美元到一千萬美元資金後提出正式成立銀行之申請,如果一切順利,獲得聯邦政府批准這間亞裔之銀行可定在2007年第一季正式成立營業。籌備公司之網站www.asianpacificbancorp.com正在架設中,目前祇有首頁地址電話資訊,有間亞裔銀行籌組及投資詳情可電黃卓寅Thomas Wong,Tel: 314-333-5088。

        AsianPacific Bancorp

        By Thomas Cy Wong, Chairman & CEOAsianPacific Bancorp Inc

        AsianPacific Bancorp will be the first to introduce a Missouri chartered bank committed to serving the Asian and Pacific Islander community. An ethnic bank is a natural next step to further develop economic opportunity. A recent market analysis revealed just how extensive these opportunities are. Nationally and locally, Asian and Pacific Islanders are the fastest growing segment of the population. In 2004, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated the Asian and Pacific Islander population to be over 34,000 in St. Louis County and City, up more than 15.5 percent from 2000. Strong population growth can be anticipated well into the future. The Missouri Department of Economic Development, Missouri Census Data Center, projects this population will reach over 63,000 by 2020.

        The Asian population also has a strong entrepreneurial presence in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Asian-owned businesses have dramatically increased in number and total revenues in just a few years time. Between 1997 and 2002, the number of Asian-owned businesses increased by 32 percent, generating over $1.1 billion in revenues for 2002. Asian and Pacific Islanders are young, educated, earning more, and spending heavily on a variety of services and products in comparison to their U.S.-born counterparts.

        Despite the compelling statistics, experts agree that the financial sector is slow to recognize the importance of ethnic minority markets. To date, only 77 FDIC institutions target the Asian and Pacific Islander population. Just a few are in the Midwest; none are in the State of Missouri. Some larger banks have taken notice and developed aggressive marketing campaigns to target this population. There is question, however, if they are equipped with the level of cultural competency and exclusive attention needed to suitably service an ethnic community. A recent study conducted by the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) has shown cultural affinity to be the top decisive factor for Asians when choosing a bank for their business and personal needs. It also ranks as a top criterion in choosing a lender.

        Cultural affinity is just one of the many services AsianPacific Bancorp will provide for our customers. We will execute a traditional, community bank that will target a market niche catering to the Asian and Pacific Islander population residing in the St. Louis area. By providing economic opportunities for an ethnic population, AsianPacific Bancorp will help build business and community for St. Louis and Missouri as a whole.

        AsianPacific Bancorp Inc8012 Bonhomme Avenue, Suite 300Clayton, Missouri 63105Tel: 314.333.5088 ext. 203Mobile: 314.581.6073Fax: 314.436.0122Email:

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