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Issue: 896 Date: 10/25/2007

Midwestern Asian American Women Speak Out

        杜魯門州立大學出版社2007 年10月15日公布,該校歷史系教授令狐萍的最新著作《心聲--美國亞裔婦女史》(Voices of the Heart: Asian American Women on Immigration, Work, and Family, Truman State University, 2007) 于當日出版。

        該書是首部囊括美國亞裔各族裔婦女于一集的學術專著。該書從令狐萍教授于過去二十多年來口述訪談的三百多名亞裔婦女中精選54 例﹐生動再現美國亞裔婦女 的歷史。 這些亞裔婦女來自各行各業﹐既有美國土生﹐亦有移民入籍者﹐均娓娓傾訴心聲。她們如何移民尋夢﹐如何沖破種族偏見﹐如何處理家庭與事業的平衡﹐如何既融入美國社會又保存族裔遺產﹐讀者均可從書中找出答案。

        全書424 頁﹐收入照片21 幅﹐$34.95 ﹐ ISBN 9781931112680。有興趣者可與杜魯門州立大學出版社聯係 (Truman State University Press, 100 E. Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501; Toll Free 800-960-6802, or 660-785-7336) 或接洽令狐萍教授。

        令狐萍,美國福特基金獎作家。現任美國杜魯門州立大學歷史系教授, 亞洲研究學位委員會主席,教授東亞史与亞裔美國史,并任美國亞裔美國研究協會期刊《亞裔美國研究》編委,杜魯門州立大學出版社理事會理事,《國際移民評論》、《美國种族歷史研究》、《美國歷史研究》与《美國性史研究》等學術期刊的評審, 以及廣東華僑華人研究會海外顧問。曾任美國亞裔美國研究協會理事。 令狐萍曾被美國多家電台采訪,她的研究亦被國際國內多家報章与電台報導。她經常受邀到國際國內研究机构与高等院校做學術報告或演講。《世界日報周刊》2006 年1 月15 日版 曾刊登有關她的人物專訪, 她也被收錄入國際國內十多种名人錄。

        令狐萍長期從事華僑華人、美國亞裔与華裔社會、以及美國亞裔与華裔婦女的研究寫作。出版十多部學術專著,包括 《美國華裔婦女生存奮斗史》(Surviving on the Gold Mountain: A History of Chinese American Women ) (紐約州立大學出版社,1998),《金山謠─美國華裔婦女史》(中國社會科學出版社,1999年, 該書獲美國福特基金出版獎),《萍飄美國─新移民實錄》(山西北岳文藝出版社,2003),《圣路易的華人》(Chinese St. Louis: From Enclave to Cultural Community, Temple University Press, 2004), 《心聲--美國亞裔婦女史》(Voices of the Heart: Asian American Women on Immigration, Work, and Family, Truman State University, 2007),《圣路易的華人,1857-2007》(Chinese in St. Louis: A Pictorial History, 1857-2007, Arcadia Publishing, 2007),《崛起的呼聲--受忽視的美國亞裔族群的經歷》(Emerging Voices: The Experiences of the Underrepresented Asian Americans, Rutgers University Press, 2008),《亞裔美國歷史文化百科全書》(Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia, M.E. Sharpe, 2008,兩卷本),《縱橫空間--亞裔在北美与南美的新型社區》(Negotiating Space: The New Asian American Communities, University of Hawaii Press, 2009) 等。

        聯系地址:Huping Ling, Ph. D.Professor of HistoryDepartment of HistoryTruman State UniversityKirksville, MO 63501Tel: 660-785-4654Fax: 660-785-4337Email: hling@truman.eduwebsite: http://

        Midwestern Asian American Women Speak Out

        Huping Ling is the author of a new book, Voices of the Heart: Asian AmericanWomen on Immigration, Work, and Family, published by Truman State University Press. Itis the first comprehensive and comparative record of the oral histories of American womenof Asian ancestry living in the Midwest.

        Ling includes interviews with 55 Asian American women who tell about their journeyto America. They talk about their hope for survival, education, employment, and preservingtheir cultural identity while assimilating into American society. These vivid, authenticpersonal stories reveal the women's heartfelt experiences and the significant role theyhave played in Asian American history.

        Voices of the Heart includes Chinese, Japanese, Filipina, Korean, and Asian Indianwomen as well as the newer Asian groups of Vietnamese, Laotians, Hmong, Thais, andPakistanis.

        Valuable for researchers, students, and scholars in Asian American and women'sstudies, this book will also appeal to those interested in the Midwest, international trade,international relations, and multiculturalism.

        Ling is a professor at Truman State University.

        Voices of the Heart: Asian American Women on Immigration, Work, and Family424 pp. * 21 b/w illus.$34.95 * 9781931112680

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