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Issue: 900 Date: 11/22/2007

Fontbonne University offers International MBA program

芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner(右)率團訪臺灣(攝於臺灣台北)
        【時報訊】聖路易芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner博士率同該校商學院院長Linda Maurer,商學系助理主任Mark Alexander等一行三人,與11月3日至6日訪問臺灣,與該校姐妹校臺灣真理大學簽訂2008-2009學年度國際企業管理碩士班計劃。目前芳邦大學有近三十位來自臺灣真理大學之研究生攻讀企管碩士。



        Fontbonne University offers International MBA program

        Three Fontbonne University administrators visited Taiwan from November 3-6. Nancy Blattner, Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs, Linda Maurer, Dean of Business, and Mark Alexander, assistant chair of the Department of Business, were in Tamsui to visit Aletheia University. Their visit included a luncheon meeting hosted by the president of Aletheia University, Dr. Neng-Che Yeh, and attended by Cheng-Ter Kuo, the dean of continuing education, and Coco Liu, the director of the international office. Representatives of the two institutions signed an agreement for the 2008-2009 academic year allowing students who have graduated from Aletheia to spend a year at Fontbonne University completing their International MBA degree. Currently, more than 30 students from Aletheia University are studying at Fontbonne, located in Clayton.

芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner率團訪臺灣(攝於臺灣台北) 芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner率團訪臺灣(攝於臺灣台北)
芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner率團訪臺灣(攝於臺灣台北) 芳邦大學副校長Nancy Blattner率團訪臺灣(攝於臺灣台北)

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