Issue: 933 Date: 7/10/2008

China's Young Earthquake Victims Counseled in Tents of Hope

        Within seven tents erected in the earthquake zone of Sichuan Province, Children's Hope of St. Louis is bringing a caring ear and a loving hopeful message to a stream of hurting children and their families.

        In each tent there are books, toys and counseling by trained staff to help children who survived the earthquake. The counseling helps the children deal with their emotions and fears. The Tents of Hope staff and volunteers also help each family find additional resources as well as making follow-up visits with food, medicine and continued emotional support. Children's Hope goal is to reach out through 50 similar centers in the earthquake zone for the next year. Each staffed tent will cost around $20,000 annually.

        Beijing Contact: Melody Zhang or 011-86-1350-1050-204Beijing Office: 314-720-0742 Melody's direct linewww.HelpAnOrphan.orgU.S. Contact: Cory Barron/Children's Hope International: 314-812-1703or John Sun/ Children's Hope: 314-812-1887 (Chinese language)


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