Issue: 1007 Date: 12/10/2009

Region's political class heads to Washington for reception at Chinese Embassy

        Most of the region's major political players -- from Gov. Jay Nixon to Mayor Francis Slay -- are expected to be in Washington this Thursday as part of a delegation lobbying the Chinese to consider Lambert Field for a Midwest cargo hub. Missouri's two members of the U.S. Senate -- Republican Christopher "Kit" Bond and Democrat Claire McCaskill -- are to be the delegation leaders as they join Chinese Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong and his wife at an evening reception at the new Chinese Embassy in Washington. According to the Regional Chamber and Growth Association, the local big shots expected to make the trip also include: St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley, St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann, local members of the Midwest China Hub Commission, and area labor leaders. Some of the region's members of the U.S. House also are expected to attend the reception. A spokeswoman for McCaskill said Monday night that she'll definitely be there -- unless the Senate has a key floor vote Thursday night on health care that she can't miss. Added the RCGA: "While in Washington this week, our commission will hold its regular meeting, as well as holding other meetings on the China Project --- including a working session with officials from the U.S. Department of Commerce on President Barack Obama’s recent meetings with Chinese leaders."

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