Issue: 1022 Date: 3/25/2010

"Gateway of Discovery to China" - A Special Familiarization Trip to China
September 19-27, 2010

        The St. Louis Regional Chamber & Growth Association (RCGA) is offering a unique "FAM trip" to China September 19th - 27th, 2010, and inviting its members and their families and colleagues to join them on this special opportunity to experience China. The "Gateway of Discovery to China" has limited seats available for this trip at a very affordable package price, and it will sell out quickly.

        This 9-day trip will be a wonderful opportunity to experience China first hand, as the RCGA and our Midwest-China Hub Commission partners continue to work on the "Big Idea" Project to establish the bistate St. Louis region as the Midwestern Commercial Hub for China. The special package price for the China Trip should enable many of our RCGA members and civic colleagues to join us.

        Cost for this all-inclusive Trip isRCGA Member: $1,999 per person (Double Occupancy)

        The trip includes airfare to and from Los Angeles International Airport to China, all hotel room night stays at 4 and 5 star hotels, three meals each day, deluxe bus tours, airport transfers and luggage handling, English-speaking tour guides, admission tickets and airport taxes during the length of the trip. Additional expenses to be incurred by travelers will include: airfare to/from Los Angeles International Airport, any hotel accommodations when traveling to and/or from Los Angeles, visa application ($150), passport purchase, tips ($25 per person). For single hotel occupancy, add an additional $450. A limited number of upgrades to business class on the roundtrip international flights are available for an additional $5,000. A $300 non-refundable deposit is required for each reservation. Reservations will not be held without this deposit due to the limited number of seats available.

        A pre-tour briefing will be held for all registered participants and those interested in joining the tour. This will take place on Thursday, April 8th, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the RCGA's offices, 211 North Broadway, 13th Floor in the Regional Collaboration Center.

        For information and full details, including the itinerary, please go to Gateway of Discovery to China or contact Colin Stahlhut at 314/444-1145 or Beverly Estes at 314/444-1110. Full payment for the trip must be received by, and no refunds will be offered after June 18, 2010, under any circumstance, nor will any swaps be allowed due to passport and visa applications

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