Issue: 1033 Date: 6/12/2010

OCA visited KETC Channel 9

        OCA (Organization of Chinese Americans) St. Louis held its May board meeting at the new KETC Technology center. After the meeting, Sonya Berkbiger from Channel 9 provided a guided tour to the board to see the following areas of the new building:

        * Master control and technical areas - the center of the action and controller of all KETC broadcasting and production.* Studios.* Television cameras and equipment.* The Donnybrook Founders room - the dressing room.

        After the guided tour, OCA sponsored a lunch meeting and shared the American experience with Sonya for a documentary that her team is working on. Each member talked about their own diverse American experiences and provided materials and contacts for consideration. The discussion helped broaden the project's original view what's the "Asian American Experience".

        2 board members signed for 2 flip HD camcorders to try out their interview and recording skills for clips that may be used in the 4-hour documentary. We're looking forward to the debut of the Channel 9 documentary as well as our community's contributions to it.

        OCA, St. Louis was founded in 1973 in response to a group of Chinese Americans increasing concern for the civil rights of Chinese and Asian Americans. This vision was shared by groups in Washington, D.C. and Detroit, MI. In the same year, OCA formally registered as a national organization - OCA National Website. 30 years later, OCA has 83 chapters and college affiliates across the nation serving over 3 million Chinese Americans.

        OCA Mission

        OCA is a national organization dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States. To fulfill its mission, OCA has established the following goals:- to advocate for social justice, equal opportunity and fair treatment;- to promote civic participation, education, and leadership;- to advance coalitions and community building; and- to foster cultural heritage.

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