Issue: 1168 Date: 1/10/2013
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How to Become a Productive High School Student

捐贈教學用品:左起Qingbin Zhang, Jason, Dan, Chi, Ken, Haohang and Nina
        1月6日,為報答母校,滿足學生及家長們的要求,應現代中文學校邀請,Nina Luo, Haohang Xu, Chi Zeng, Jason Zhang 和 Ken Zheng 五位校友. 聯合舉辦了“如何做一個成功的高中生”專題講座,由高中生劉洋(Yang Liu)和曾丹(Dan Zeng)主持。

        Nina Luo(羅尼娜)來自馬凱特高中。她已經被哈佛大學錄取。她總結了在申請大學過程中的經驗教訓。她強調高中三年級盡早准備的重要性。Haohang Xu(許浩航)來自Ladue高中。她已經考上麻省理工。浩航指出,在申請大學的過程中,家長一定要支持自己的孩子,減輕學生心理壓力。Chi Zeng(曾馳)在哈佛大學大三學習。他強調安靜的學習環境,避免過多的筆記本電腦和互聯網 ,以避免分心。Jason Zhang是哈佛大學學生,學習經濟學和東亞研究。據Jason介紹,學生們應該盡早嘗試許多感興趣的課外活動。漸漸地選擇一兩個,因為質量勝過數量。Ken Zheng在華盛頓大學攻讀計算機和醫學預科。Ken強調學生應積極參加他們熱愛的社區的活動。



        (By Dan Zeng) On Sunday, January 6, a seminar on how to be a productive student took place at St. Louis Modern Chinese School (SLMCS). The speakers were alumni of the school: Nina Luo, Haohang Xu, Chi Zeng, Jason Zhang, and Ken Zheng. High school students Yang Liu and Dan Zeng hosted the event. Each of the speakers discussed a topic of their own and then responded to questions from the audience. Nina Luo is senior at Marquette High School. She has been admitted to Harvard University. Nina related lessons she learned during the college application process to the Chinese community. She emphasized the importance of starting on the process early on during junior year of high school.Haohang Xu is a senior at Ladue High School. She has been admitted to MIT. Haohang also discussed the college application process. She noted that parents must be supportive during the process because students must deal with a lot of pressure. Parents must prevent their children from missing key deadlines, but must avoid being overly oppressive. Chi Zeng is a junior at Harvard University studying computer science. He stated that students should study in a silent setting. He stressed that students should avoid their laptops while studying to avoid distractions from social media.Jason Zhang is a sophomore at Harvard University studying economics and East Asian studies. He talked about his experiences with extracurricular activities. According to Jason, students should try out many activities early on to find out what interests them. Gradually, students should commit to one or two of them because quality trumps quantity. Ken Zheng is a junior at Washington University studying computer science on a pre-medical track. Ken emphasized that students should volunteer in the community in ways that they feel passionate about. As an example, Ken explained how he organized Making Music Matters, an organization that brings music programs to inner city schools.After the seminar, the speakers decided to organize an alumni association for the Chinese school. To jumpstart the association and thank the school for a fulfilling experience, they donated 240 markers to SLMCS. We wish these young students the best as they continue to contribute to the community. St. Louis Modern Chinese School provides a nurturing avenue for students of all ages and ethnic backgrounds to learn Chinese language and share Chinese culture. It currently has over six hundred students enrolled, making it one of the largest Chinese language schools in the United States.

祝願校友取得更大的成就 劉洋精彩主持


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