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        祝賀華裔少年塗書琪與趙曈日前在大學城交響樂團協奏曲比賽中獲獎。照片的左邊是趙曈,右邊是塗書琪,中間是他們的老師Laura Schindler 女士。兩位少年將於4月26日(星期日)下午3:00在Ladue與Ballas交界的Shaare Emeth Congregation與大學城交響樂團同臺演出“春之聲音樂會”。塗書琪是Ladue中學六年級的學生,他將演奏貝多芬C大調第一鋼琴協奏曲的第一樂章。趙曈是Clayton高中九年級學生,他是日前舉行的“Morning Etude Music Club”大賽第一名,獲得三佰伍拾美元獎金。趙曈也是William Schatzkamer 獎一等獎得主 。 他將與樂團合奏葛利格 A 小調鋼琴協奏曲的第一樂章,並得到伍佰美元的獎金。如需要更多關於音樂會的信息,請致電314-645-3127與Laura Schindler 聯系。

        Bravo to both Michael Tu and Tong Zhao, pictured with their piano teacher, Laura Schindler, who were Winners in the recent University City Symphony Concerto Competition. Michael Tu, who is in 6th grade at Ladue Middle School, will perform the first movement of the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major. Tong Zhao, who is in 9th grade at Clayton High School, was the First Prize "William Schatzkamer Award Winner". He will perform the first movement of the Grieg a minor Piano Concerto with the orchestra and will receive a cash award of $500. Tong was also the First Prize Overall Winner in the recent "Morning Etude Music Club" Competition, receiving a cash award of $350. Both Michael and Tong will perform as soloists with the orchestra at their "Spring Concert" on Sunday, April 26 at 3:00PM, at Congregation Shaare Emeth on Ladue and Ballas. For further info regarding the concert, please call Laura Schindler at 314-645-3127.


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