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Congratulations to the 14 graduating seniors at The Fulton School at St. Albans

Senior Commencement at The Fulton School
        Congratulations to the 14 graduating seniors at The Fulton School at St. Albans. They are headed out to the far stretches of the United States – from coast to coast – to pursue their passions, from soccer and hockey to music, fine art, and engineering. For the last 14 years, four of these graduates literally grow up at Fulton School, since their early days in the preschool classroom. Best of luck to the Class of 2015.

         Back row, left to right: Alec Loyd (University of Pittsburgh), Matthew Fulton (Ohio State University), Hope Smalley (Missouri University of Science & Technology), Paul Hofstetter (University of Central Missouri), Jincy Dunne (Ohio State University), Jack Rawlins (The United States Military Academy at West Point), Felix Cramer (Webster University), Jordan Hurtte (Seattle University), Brendan Shine (Marquette University), and Andrew Donnelly (Cornell College).

         Front row, left to right: Lufei Xiao (Maryland Institute of College of Art), Xuchu Lu (Bennington College), Grace Huber (University of Kentucky), and Pui Yi Ng (San Francisco State University).


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