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Issue: 626   Date: 08/22/2002

Mustard Seed
St. Louis Taiwanese Presbyterian Church


From the Editors

The last issue of Mustard Seed was published about four years ago. Just like old friends, even though we don't see each other often, still we miss and think about them from time to time. After overcoming many difficulties, with the kind of feeling like lost-and-found excitement, we the editors, present this new issue of Mustard Seed to you. 

In our daily life, sometimes we are unaware of the omnipresence of our Almighty God, or don't even appreciate God's love and care for us. When disaster happens, like the tragedy of September 11, people start questioning themselves, how could such kind of tragedy ever happen. Nobody has found the answer yet. According to a newspaper report, the board of trustees of many schools had not argued about whether students should be allowed to have morning prayers since that incident happened. Everywhere, the number of churchgoers increased substantially.

It is true that human being are vulnerable, even love among members of a family, between husband and wife, parents and children, and siblings. Situation and circumstance can change our love for each other. Everlasting love is the dream of all brides and grooms, yet how many of their dream do come true? Only God's love is unconditional and eternal. Whoever searches and finds God's love will have joy and peace in his life.

Our thanks to sister Su-Mei Chi, who offered us many valuable suggestions; Prof. Tom Lin, who helped us puzzle out some technical problems in the Chinese input device and file transfer and storage. For those who helped to translate many articles, our sincere thanks to you. And last but not least, we appreciate our sisters and brothers' upbeat witnesses. Your touching stories make this issue of Mustard Seed a wonderful gift to every one. Thank you.

The garden of Mustard Seed belongs to all of us. We need different kind of flowers, vegetables and trees to make this garden grow and blossom. Please come and share your love with us. Let us work together and cultivate it to be like the Garden of Eden to glorify our Lord.

Peace be with you and have a very pleasant summer. 

The Ground Zero Faith 

By Rev. James Chi

Last September 11's terrorist attack on the World Trade Center twin towers in New York has sent the U.S. economy into a deeper recession, leading to a higher level of unemployment rate. This attack has also affected many aspects of our daily lives. Now we have to head to the airport two to three hours before our schedule flight in order to pass through all the increased security measures. When we are seated in our planes, be sure to maintain a smiling face, else the flight attendants might ask you to deplane for fear that you are a terrorist!

The site of the tragic destruction of the World Trade Center is called "ground zero." After eight months of hard work by the cleanup crew, the last debris from the World Trade Center was removed last week and a Ground Zero memorial service was held to commemorate those who lost their lives there including some 300 firefighters and rescue workers. The two 110-story commerce and trade buildings have now returned to zero. When we stand at this ground zero, what kind of attitude should we have to look toward the future? What kind of attitude should we have to face evil, violence, terrorist organizations and war? When we stand at ground zero, what do we see? From news reports on TV, we can see that it has turned into a huge vacant lot. However, in our hearts, we see the evil nature of human kind that changed it into what it is today.

The ground zero at the World Trade Center leads us to think that we should return to the ground zero of our faith to view the world and ourselves. The basic view from the Bible shows us the sinful and evil nature of human kind. From this basic understanding, we can see that Jesus Christ is the hope that God granted us for the world's salvation. If we hope that all the problems in this world can be resolved, if we want to have true peace, then human beings need to return to the ground zero of faith. When human hearts are changed by God, then we will naturally bring fresh changes and new order to our society. The Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17.)

I remember two years ago, when our daughter was applying for the music department at the University of Illinois, in addition to the usual transcripts, she also needed to attend a piano audition. During the audition, I sat outside the classroom to wait for her. Queena prepared several complicated and difficult piano pieces to demonstrate her abilities to the examiners. Indeed, the professor did ask her to play some of her pieces. Lastly, the professor asked her, "Please play ‘Happy Birthday.'" Why would a college entrance exam include such a simple piece of music? It was neither the professor's nor my daughter's birthday that day. Thank God, the professor was very satisfied and happy with Queena's performance. The professor wanted to know how well the student plays the easy piece of music after hearing all the difficult pieces. How was her basic skill? What about her musical common sense?

This story reminds us that as Christians, we have trained ourselves in our faith through Bible studies, fellowship, worship services, etc. But when we are faced with difficulties and challenges, what kind of attitudes should we have? Shouldn't we return to the basics of our faith and use the Bible as the standard for our values? How do we act according to the teaching of Jesus Christ? How do we find answers in God's word? Proverb 1: 7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." When we know to come before God and rely on Him, use His methods to face the difficulties and challenges we encounter, that is the beginning of our wisdom; letting God's words guide the path of our lives, just as David said in his prayer of thanksgiving to God, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119: 105)

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