There are three ways to name a Chinese
By an animal (like a mscot). The new year
is known as the Year of the Rooster.
There are 12 animal names; so by this system,
year names are re-cycled every 12 years.
By its Former Name.
The new year is the year of Yiyou. By this
system, the Name of the Year is repeated
and re-cycled every 60 years.
It is Year 4702 by Chinese calendar.
Year of the Rooster
Chinese New Year, pronounced in Chinese
as 'xin nian', occurs on the first day of
the first month of the lunar calendar. There
are different versions of the story behind
the development of the Chinese zodiac, but
all the versions are based around a race
called by an Emperor to determine the animals
to be represented. The cunning Rat hitched
a ride on the back of the Ox and crossed
the winning line first. The Rat was followed
(in order) by Ox (Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (Cat),
Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram (Goat, Sheep),
Monkey, Rooster (Chicken), Dog and Pig (Boar).
According to the Chinese zodiac, you take
on the characteristics of the animal associated
with the year of your birth, but those characteristics
are also influenced by what time of day
you're born, what fixed element you belong
to (water, metal, wood, fire, earth), as
well as the influence of Yin and Yang.
The Year of the Rooster in 2005
The major elements in the Green Rooster
(Chicken) are Wood and Metal. The Chinese
believe there is conflict between these
two elements, as metal will destroy wood.
To this end any unfinished business from
2004, either good or bad, should be dealt
with promptly in 2005.
People born in the Year of the Rooster
are capable, talented and conscientious.
They always think they are right and more
often than not are! They can be seen to
be selfish and outspoken but are always
interesting and can be extremely brave.
They have a reputation for diligence and
hard work. They have a love for life and
enjoy the high life.
Some famous roosters include D H Lawrence,
Goldie Hawn, Errol Flynn and Steffi Graf
Rooster years in the last hundred years
were 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,
1981 and 1993.
Chinese calendar
In the Chinese calendar an ordinary year
has 12 months, a leap year has 13 months.
An ordinary year has 353, 354 or 355 days
and a leap year 383, 384 or 385 days. Leap
years are determined by counting the number
of new moons between the 11th month in one
year and the 11th month in the next year.
If there are 13 full moons then a leap month
must be inserted.
The other interesting thing about the Chinese
calendar is that it doesn't count years
continuously as the Gregorian calendar does.
It works in 60 year cycles and each year
has a name made up of two parts. The first
part is a Heavenly stem and the second part
is a Earthly branch.
These different calendars mean that Australians,
with a diverse multicultural community,
always have something to celebrate!