Issue: 929 Date: 6/12/2008
¦W®v¥X°ª®{¡@®v¤÷Justin Meehan¡@±a¶¤¥XÁÉ Jason MeehanºaÀò±À¤â¨k¤l²Õ«ax Jardena GreenºaÀò±À¤â¤k¤l²Õ«ax Carolina SanchezºaÀò³¯¤ó¤Ó·¥®±¨Èx National Champion Jason Green - Gold medal in Adult Advanced Push Hands The 10th Annual Chinese International Chinese Kung Fu Championships (Orlando, Florida, May 23th-25th, 2008)
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National Champion Jason Green - Gold medal in Adult Advanced Push HandsThe 10th Annual Chinese International Chinese Kung Fu Championships (Orlando, Florida, May 23th-25th, 2008)
Jardena Green is only 17 years old and living on her own supporting her brother and 18 month old baby,while her mother is living in Morocco and her father is called back to the Army teaching US. troops in Iraq.She can only find part time work because of her age, but still manages to attend Forest Park College part time.In spite of everything, she still makes time to study Taiji and assist her Sifu teaching beginner classes. She first began studying Taiji when she was 14 years old. Her father who teaches Aikido introduced her to Sifu Justin and formally asked him to be her teacher. After 3 years of private study he formally adopted her as his student and adopted niece. He believes that the Chinese martial arts and philosophy have the power to improve understanding and strengthen character. Although her life has been difficult she believes that the Chinese martial arts and philosophy have given her strength, insight and the opportunity for self cultivation. "If I can use Taiji philosophy to overcome my opponents, I can also use it to overcome life's difficulties" she states. "I am committed to the study of HunYuan system of Taiji (which combines Chen style Taijiquan and Hsing I with Taoist Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medical theory) and hope to become a teacher myself someday". She plans to visit her teacher's teachers, Feng Zhiqiang and Zhang XueXin, by traveling to China next year to participate in the Second Annual International HunYuan Conference and participate in Form and Push Hands competition. She has appeared with her Sifu in Tai Chi Magazine and also expresses admiration for the accomplishments of her contemporary, Sarah Dao.
sifu Justin Meehan and his 2 students: Jardena Green (left) and Dr. Carolina Sanchez (right, Sifu Justin's Spanish speaking student from Chile) |
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