Louis Chinese American News
(Missouri, August 28, 2003) Lieutenant Governor Joe Maxwell and the Missouri Community Service Commission announced the winners of the 2004 Commission Media Awards today, recognizing excellence in coverage of service and volunteer issues.

left to right: Sandy Tsai,
George Tsai (Publisher),
and Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell at the award ceremony on
September 25, 2003 at the office of SCANews.
St. Louis Chinese American News gratefully received this Media Award presented by the Missouri Community Service Commission for providing excellent news coverage and community service to the St. Louis Chinese American community. This award acclaims St. Louis Chinese American News' perseverance to breaking the language barrier through publishing a sub-section English newspaper that stems from the oldest Chinese newspaper in St. Louis.

Wu, Director of the St. Louis Chinese American News,
accepts the plaque from Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell.
The award also acknowledges the Chinese Culture and Education Foundation, which promotes Chinese cultural awareness, and the
St. Louis Chinese American Yellow
Pages, which cultivates strong ties to the Chinese American community in St. Louis. In addition, it focuses on community outreach programs like the
U. City East free health screenings and the
Olive Business

Governor talks with the staff of the St. Louis Chinese
American News.
Seven awards will be presented at later dates by members of the Commission, two each in the areas of radio, and television and three in newspaper:
Newspaper: St. Louis Chinese American News, St. Louis, Howell County News, KDR Publishing, Willow Springs and Cameron Citizen-Observer, Cameron.
Radio: KMOX, St. Louis and KMEM, Memphis.
Television: KETC, Outreach and Education Department, St. Louis and
KRCG-TV, Jefferson City.
The Commission annually accepts nominations from community-based organizations to recognize media that go above and beyond expectations to provide coverage of community service. There were 42 nominations for radio and TV stations and newspapers submitted to the Commission for the 2003 award. A panel of judges, comprised of members from the Department of Economic Development, the Lt. Governor's Office and the Commission, judged the nominations based on donated, "hands on" staff services; donated publicity "above and beyond expectations;" and originality in promotions.

Governor Joe Maxwell received a surprise gift
presented by SCANews that contained all of his news
releases from his inauguration to the present day.
About the Missouri Community Service Commission:
The Missouri Community Service Commission consists of 25 individuals nominated by the governor and confirmed by the state senate. The mission of the Commission is to build stronger communicates by fostering an ethic of service in all Missourians with the vision that communities are strengthened through citizen service.

Governor Joe Maxwell looks on as Maria Shu
demonstrates the Chinese editing software.


After the awards
ceremony, a group picture was taken
of Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell and guests.